PostDocs [Proposed] [Assigned] Projects
2025/05/15 2026/05/24
12-month fixed-term contract, Software Engineering Research Engineer
2025/02/01 2025/06/30
Multimodal image fusion algorithms for geological applications
2024/11/16 2025/08/31
Multi-Connected and Distributed Intelligent Software Sensors for Vehicle Tracking and Platooning
2024/09/01 2025/08/30
5G based Digital Twin for Industrial Process Control and Supervision
2024/05/13 2025/05/13
Job offer: 12-month fixed-term contract, Research Engineer in Software Engineering
2025/09/01 2027/08/30
LLMs based Health Aware Control Learning for Reusable Engines
2025/09/01 2026/08/31
Distributed control for autonomous railway pods
2025/03/01 2026/09/30
Optimization of Planning and Control Processes in Building Renovation Using BIM 4D and Digital Twins
2025/02/16 2025/08/18
Development and Validation of Intelligent Estimation Algorithms for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
2025/02/02 2025/08/01
Research Engineer or Postdoctoral Position in Computer/Industrial Engineering  [Emmanuel ZIMMERMANN]
2024/12/01 2025/12/02
Circular Manufacturing enhanced by the quantification of Remaining Usage Potential (RUP) of products and its integration in Digital Product Passport (DPP)  [Aqeel AHMED]
2024/11/06 2026/08/30
Algebraic and tensor methods for polarimetric phase retrieval  [Antonio FAZZI]
2024/10/26 2026/02/28
Digital Twin-Driven Synchronization of Off-Site and On-Site Panelized Construction Supply Chains and Logistics Processes  [Moslem SHEIKHKHOSHKAR]
2024/09/01 2025/11/15
Tensor methods for neural networks: compression and identification  [Clara DERAND]
2024/08/29 2025/08/29
Multimodal spectro-imaging and machine learning methods for bio-optical characterization of biological tissues in the UV-Visible-NIR-FIR-THz ranges: applications to in vivo diagnosis of human skin cancer and kidney stones  [Soumyajyoti MALLICK]
2024/07/15 2025/07/14
Machine Learning for predictive maintenance optimization of reconfigurable manufacturing systems  [Hanser Steven JIMENEZ GONZALEZ]
2024/03/01 2025/03/03
Development of the architecture supporting the Digital Twin for the Emergency Department  [Abir ISMAILI - ALAOUI]
2023/04/03 2025/04/02
Categorization of own- and other-race faces and ingroup bias: a developmental approach  [Simen HAGEN]
2023/04/03 2026/04/02
Neural basis of face and visual word recognition and their interaction  [Corentin JACQUES]